The Double Barrelled British Heavy Tanks are awesome!

With the latest update to World of Tanks (1.27.1), Wargaming introduced a new tree in the British line, consisting of 4 new Heavy Tanks, but with one difference, you can switch between double and single barrels.

The new tree spawns off the Tier VI Churchill VII, which is a tank I did not enjoy playing all that well, but I was in a position to use a little bit of Free XP to boost the rest of the way through that tank and unlock the first of the new tanks, the Tier VII Chopper (insert your own jokes).

The Tier VII Chopper

This is so far the only tank I've played in the line and I have to say, it's a lot of fun! This is one of those tanks where I'm not bothered about getting through it quickly, so I'll be playing this normally and unlocking upgrades along the way naturally. The double barrel took a little bit of getting used to, but it certainly packs a punch when you unleash both barrels at an enemy, it's very satisfying! The only thing I keep forgetting is when you switch to the double barrel, it slows your tank down, so it's best to get into position first and then switch, otherwise you'll have a very long and slow game, and probably get shot a lot more too.

As for the rest of the line:

We've got the Tier VIII Conceiver, the Tier XI Contender and the Tier X Canopener, which is possibly the best name for a tank in the whole game. I may skip the Tier VIII and go straight to the Tier IX as it's not meant to be that good and I'd rather boost up to the Tier X which is meant to be excellent. We'll see what happens though!

I've been waiting for a new fun line of tanks to be added to the game, I'm not a fan of Tank Destroyers so I wasn't too fussed when they added the new Japanese Tank Destroyers to the game last year. It looks like these British Double Barrelled tanks are just what I was after! Easy to pick up and fun to play. Based on the amount of them I'm seeing in the games I'm playing, they seem to be very popular! I don't think I've seen a Canopener in the wild yet though.