World of Tanks: Steel Hunter

Last weekend, the latest Steel Hunter ended on World of Tanks. Previously I've played the mode but didn't play it all too much. This time, I actually decided to give it a proper go as the rewards are pretty good. The rewards included:

  • 1.2 million credits
  • 750 bonds
  • A bunch of personal reserves
  • Directives

Each day the event ran, there was 3 missions to do, each mission would rise you up the Steel Hunter ranks. You'd also get special tokens for each match completion and you could spend them in the store on styles and decals. I bought 1 of each and had a few tokens left but not enough to actually get anything.

Steel Hunter has a set of tanks to play, so you don't get to play normal tanks. I gave each tank a go but I really enjoyed playing the following 3 tanks:

I seemed to do the best in these tanks and as one of the daily missions was to cause 12,000 damage in the mode, I needed to play tanks that I could get that mission done quickly in.

The other missions were pretty straightforward, basically just be in the top 5 and the top 10 in the match, which you do by staying alive. One technique for me that seemed to work for those missions was to pick a fast tank, such as the Arlequin (middle tank above) and just keep driving, don't shoot. In those games I'd get hardly any damage, but was pretty much consistently in the top 5.

Unfortunately, I started a bit too late so was only able to get 2/3 through the event as there wasn't enough time left to get more missions needed to advanced through the next levels. I think level 8 out of 12 isn't too bad though.

Overall, I enjoyed the mode. It didn't take too much time each day to get the missions done and the awards were definitely worth it for the time investment. I'll definitely be playing it next time it's on!