Laravel Uninspire

Laravel Uninspire

If you're familiar with Laravel, then you might be aware of the classic php artisan inspire command. It's a pretty simple command that outputs an inspirational quote when executed.

I'd like to introduce you to a package I created, called Laravel Uninspire. It's an incredibly simple package to use, if you install it by running:

composer require jonpurvis/laravel-uninspire

And then execute the following in your terminal:

php artisan uninspire

You'll get a humourous un-inspirational quote, to help you on your way! Some examples of quotes you could get:

Why be fearless when you can fear everything?
Why innovate when you can stagnate?
Why put in effort when you can just put in the minimum required?

There's about 200 possible quotes you could get. If you'd like to contribute your own quotes, feel free to submit a Pull Request!

This is the first package I've built specifically for Laravel and it was a good learning curve.