Onslaught Light - was it worth it?

Onslaught Light - was it worth it?

Wargaming added a new mode to World of Tanks this month that ran from July 10th to July 25th. I say new mode, it was Onslaught which is usually for Tier X tanks, but instead it was for Tier VIII tanks.

Light mode was slightly different to Heavy mode with a few notable differences:

  • No ranking or qualification, you didn't have to play a handful of games to discover your qualification, you could jump in and play straight away.
  • It was a event in it's own right, which means it didn't form part of the usual Onslaught season cycles.

In most ways thought, it was pretty much the same as Heavy mode, 7v7 battles, tank modifiers, ability to play in platoons and no SPGs (to name a few). What was interesting is that they actually excluded some non SPG tanks in this mode because they would be too powerful in the modified conditions of Onslaught:

  • BZ-176
  • Löwe
  • T34
  • T34 B
  • FCM 50 t
  • Gonsalo
  • AAT60

The BZ-176 is overpowered in regular mode, so I can only imagine how much it would sway an Onslaught game!

The mode featured it's own progression system of 15 stages to get through. Getting to the end would get you rewards such as x5 XP missions, 1.8 million credits, 750 bonds, styles, decals, reserves and more! You would get points by playing games but also more points by completing the daily missions.

As for my experience, I enjoyed it! In Heavy mode I really play just for the rewards and I'm not that interested in where I rank at the end of the season, the rewards are good enough for me to play. In Light mode, it was pretty much the same except there was no ranking, but the rewards were still worth it. I actually didn't play the mode the first few days it was on so I only got up to Stage 11 out of 15, which I was disappointed with but never mind!

For the tanks I played, I mainly stuck with two; T-832 and Obsidian. The Obsidian was insane in this mode because it's a fast firing tank normally but if you combine that with the ability that decreases your reload, you could unleash chaos on the best of tanks!

I actually hope they put Onslaught Light back in the game, I enjoyed it and it was something different than playing random queue.