Development PHPStan 2.0 has been released and how to get a new ElePHPant! Earlier this week, Ondřej Mirtes creator of PHPStan released PHPStan 2.0
General Decisions I make when choosing a SaaS Something I've been thinking about this week is what matters
General Trying the Recommend Feature in Ghost I've just added Recommendations to this website, which is a
General Adding PHPartner to my Herd Thanks to my Open Source contributions on, I knew that
General Adding Ploi to my Herd So something really awesome happened over on Twitter recently (yes, I still
General Lawman Featured on Laravel News Last month, I launched my latest package, Lawman which is a PestPHP
General Adding Janusz and AFUP to my Herd The Elephpant Herd grows once again with the addition of Janusz and